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TAN Delta_AC insulation testing
2.5kV and 12kV test sets
Capacitance and Dissipation Factor (C&DF) Test Sets are used for evaluating the nature and quality of electrical insulation materials and systems.

The new DELTA4000 Series is a fully automatic 12 kV insulation power factor/dissipation factor (tan∂) test set designed for condition assessment of electrical insulation in high voltage apparatus such as transformers, bushings, circuit breakers, cables, l

Low voltage test set CB100
The Model CB-100 Low-Voltage Capacitance and Insulation
Power Factor Test Set is a self-contained instrument for the
accurate measurement of electrical insulation characteristics.

Resonating inductor
The Resonating Inductor is an accessory for use with the semi-automatic 12 kV Extended-Range Capacitance and Dissipation Factor Test Set, or the Automated Insulation
Power Factor Test Set (DELTA-2000).

software Power db
PowerDB is a powerful software package providing data management for each of your acceptance and maintenance testing jobs. Customer and contract information is quickly
sorted and searched.

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