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Power Test Equipment arrow Digital micro-ohmmeters arrow DLRO10 & 10X Microhmmeter
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DLRO10 & 10X Microhmmeter

DLRO10 & 10X Microhmmeter
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Product Name: DLRO10 & 10X Microhmmeter
Product Category: Digital micro-ohmmeters

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DLRO 10 and DLRO 10X set the standards for low resistance measurement. DLRO 10 and DLRO 10X are fully automatic instruments, selecting the most suitable test current up to 10A d.c. to measure resistance from 0.1 μ½ to 2000 ½, on one of seven ranges.

For users who desire more control over the measurement process, DLRO 10X uses a menu system controlled by a two-axis paddle to allow the user to manually select the maximum test current.

DLRO 10X also adds real time download of results and on board storage for later download to a PC. Both instruments are built into a strong, lightweight case that is equally at home in the field or in the laboratory. Light enough to be worn around the neck, they are small enough to be taken into areas that were previously too small to access. DLRO 10 uses a large, bright 4 1/2 -digit LED display while DLRO 10X has a large, backlit LCD display. Normally, measurements are made with forward and reverse currents to cancel the effects of any standing voltages across the test sample.

The average value is then displayed within 3 seconds, to a basic accuracy of 0.2%. DLRO 10X displays both forward and reverse measurements as well as the average of the two.


Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
DLRO10 & 10X Microhmmeter (378,86 KB)