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Power Test Equipment arrow Digital micro-ohmmeters arrow BT51 Low Resistance Ohmmeter
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BT51 Low Resistance Ohmmeter

BT51 Low Resistance Ohmmeter
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Product Name: BT51 Low Resistance Ohmmeter
Product Category: Digital micro-ohmmeters

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The BT51 Low Resistance Ohmmeter makes measurements by passing a current through the conductor under test and also monitoring the voltage across it. The test current is limited by a simple current limiting circuit and is measured by monitoring the voltage across a resistor. The test current is maintained at a nominal 2 A, and as the measurement is ratiometric, the reading is unaffected by any current variations.

The instrument has a 31⁄2 digit LED display to facilitate use in low light levels. Two LED’s on the front panel indicate battery condition and whether test current is flowing when a measurement is being made. A neon lamp indicates the presence of a dangerous voltage if the test spikes are accidentally placed across a live circuit. This warning takes place whether or not the instrument has been switched on.


Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
BT51 Low Resistance Ohmmeter (318,46 KB)