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Power Test Equipment arrow Battery testing arrow Ground fault tracers arrow Battery Ground-Fault Locator BGL
Battery Ground Fault TracerBattery load unit type TORKEL 900 series

Battery Ground-Fault Locator BGL

Battery Ground-Fault Locator BGL
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Product Name: Battery Ground-Fault Locator BGL
Product Category: Ground fault tracers

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The Battery Ground-Fault Locator (BGL) simplifies thetracking of ground faults on floating dc-powered control systems.

It features automatic operation, can be used on live battery systems and has the unique capability of detecting, tracking and locating multiple faults on a battery system without having to resort to sectionalizing.

This is accomplished by injecting a low- amplitude 25 Hertz test signal on either the positive or negative side of the power bus and tracking the signal with one of several available clamp-on sensor probes.

A fault simulator also is provided with the instrument, allowing the periodic verification of the resistance and capacitance ranges of the BGL.


Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
Battery Ground-Fault Locator BGL (197,57 KB)