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Cable Fault Locating / Testers arrow Cable fault locator TDR2000/2
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Cable fault locator TDR2000/2

Cable fault locator TDR2000/2
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Product Name: Cable fault locator TDR2000/2
Product Category: Cable Fault Locating / Testers

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The TDR2000/2 has a minimum resolution of 0.1m and a maximum range of 20 km at VF=0.9 and 16 Km at 0.65 VF. The TDR2000/2 can perform single or dual channel measurements on a wide range of metallic cables. Active channels can be compared with each other or with previously stored traces from memory. Differential channel measurements are possible and cross talk between channels can also be identified.


Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
Cable fault locator TDR2000/2 (144,95 KB)