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Transformer A to Z Testing arrow TRAX - Transformer and substation test system
Transmission Line Fault AnalyserTrue 3 Phase Transformer Turns Ratiometer type TTRU3

TRAX - Transformer and substation test system

TRAX - Transformer and substation test system
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Product Name: TRAX - Transformer and substation test system
Product Category: Transformer A to Z Testing

Ask a question about this product

TRAX is not just another multi-functional test instrument, but rather many intelligent instruments built into one box. The software includes a number of apps, making it fast and easy to perform a large range of different tests. The hardware offers unmatched flexibility and the range of cables and accessories adds even more flexibility, making the TRAX an efficient and time saving system for any user in the world.

Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
TRAX - Transformer and substation test system (0,50 MB)