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Power Test Equipment arrow Digital micro-ohmmeters arrow DLRO100 series Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeters
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DLRO100 series Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeters

DLRO100 series Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeters
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Product Name: DLRO100 series Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeters
Product Category: Digital micro-ohmmeters

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The integral Li-Ion battery supplies a constant 100 A current for up to 200 Manual/Auto tests to enable enhanced productivity in remote locations. With a focus on user safety, advanced design features ensure the safe operation of the instrument in the most adverse conditions, including a CAT IV 600 VAC / 500 VDC safety rating in accordance with IEC61010. The rugged design, intuitive interface and IP54 (lid open) rating ensure reliability and ease of use in the most arduous of conditions.

Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
DLRO100 series Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeters (1,47 MB)