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Power Test Equipment arrow Circuit Breaker testing arrow TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analyzer
TM1700 Circuit Breaker AnalyzerTM200

TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analyzer

TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analyzer
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Product Name: TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analyzer
Product Category: Circuit Breaker testing

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The TM1800™ is the instrument platform for circuit breaker maintenance, based on more than 20 years’ experience of over 4,000 delivered breaker analyzers. The modular construction makes it possible to configure the TM1800 for measurements on all known types of circuit breakers in operation on the world market.

The robust design contains powerful technology that streamlines circuit breaker testing. Sophisticated measurement modules enable great time savings as many parameters can be measured simultaneously, eliminating the need for new setup each time.


Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analyzer (1,33 MB)