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MTR105-Rotating Machine Tester
MTR105-Rotating Machine Tester

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Meter Test Equipment arrow Bench arrow Meter Test Bench
Megger/Programma Product RangeMFT1700 series

Meter Test Bench

Meter Test Bench
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Product Name: Meter Test Bench
Product Category: Bench

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Single and three-phase standard and customer specified test systems meeting the changing needs of the metering world.
Innovative, effective, economical modular test systems allowing for future up-grades and extensions.
Meters measured and calibrated with high precision protect utilities and customers against loss ofrevenue or over billing.
Fulfill all legal test requirements for both simple Ferraris meters and high precision multifunction metersand reference standards.
Test systems are available for testing single- and three phase meters with closed I-P links using voltage and current isolation transformers.
Test systems are available with fixed meter racks or with moveable trolleys and gantries to fulfill different requirements of test capacities.
Controlled byCAMCAL forWINDOWSsoftware package which is available in several languages.








Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
Meter Test Bench (5,46 MB)