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Drinking water distribution simulator

Drinking water distribution simulator
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Product Name: Drinking water distribution simulator
Product Category: Industrial Electrical installation training lab or workshop

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The water that comes out of our taps is drinkable and has travelled a long way. In some cases, it is pumped from rivers and then undergoes various treatment processes before it becomes fit for drinking. It flows into a settling basin, at the bottom of which the heaviest materials are deposited, then it is filtered through layers of sand and sterilised, in order to remove bacteria. This clean water is then transported by means of pipes and pumping before it is stored in a water tower. These provide consumers with a constant pressure. The CHATO system enables students to simulate this entire circuit, from the stage where water is pumped from rivers to the stage where it arrives in people’s homes.(CHATO-series)

CHATO-SIM, This model simulates a drinking water pumping station. Using a TCP/IP PLC and monitoring software, it is possible to control the model and view its operation on a computer.(CHATO-series)

Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
Drinking water distribution simulator (0,58 MB)