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High accuracy Earth tester DET2/2

High accuracy Earth tester DET2/2
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Product Name: High accuracy Earth tester DET2/2
Product Category: Four terminal testers for soil resistivity

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DET2/2 Auto Earth Tester is a robust compact instrument designed for measuring earth electrode resistance and soil resistivity. It uses the four terminal method of measurement which eliminates the resistance of the current circuit from the measurement.

The circuit design ensures that the resistance of the potential circuit does not affect the measurement during practical testing. The instrument is microprocessor controlled and provides a flexible, ‘user-friendly’ approach to earth testing by giving good error detection capabilities and full test information on a large easily readable alpha-numeric display. A simple key pad can be used to adjust the test frequency, the test current level and the filtering so that adverse conditions influencing the test may be overcome.


Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
Earth tester DET22 (68,83 KB)